Monday, September 04, 2017

Enjoying the last of summer

Close up of a daylily and multiple nicotiana flowers in the sunlight
Daylily and nicotiana, next to the pond
Well, it's back to school this week.  Franklin drew a smiley face on the calendar (he crossed out the smiley face I put on the Last Day, too).  He's excited about starting Year Three, and for me it's a little bittersweet.  He's really growing up fast.

My parents have been and gone;  we ended up not really going anywhere with them, as our car is just too small for five people, especially when four are adults.  On the few journeys we took I was claustrophobic in the back seat, but had the dubious honor of being the second smallest adult, at 5'8".  In Partner's family, I'm the second tallest adult--the only one taller is Partner himself.

It was a nice visit however, and they helped us do some jobs, namely installing a new fence in the front garden (facing the street), and stripping the wallpaper off the master bedroom.  We've now repainted:  a light blue-gray with white trim, and have installed new wardrobes.  Just need curtains to complete the new look.  The old color was "magnolia", which is apparently the most popular color of paint in Britain;  it's a kind of pale peach, or pinky-yellow.  Every room in this house has been decorated at least once (some more) since I've lived here, except this bedroom.  Well, we're finally doing it.

My garden is growing really well this year, and at this point we're eating lots of vegetables from it.  Luckily there's been minimal slug damage this year, probably because it's been so dry and warm.  It feels like there's a touch of autumn in the air, though, so I'm getting outside as much as possible before it gets cold again.  Mainly I like to sit and watch the fish in the pond or the chickens.  Or sit on my gardening cushion pretending to weed (but actually just hanging out with the vegetables, you know).

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